Hill College believes in being transparent with the districts financial information and providing our taxpayers with the information necessary to make informed decisions about the financial stability of our district. Understanding the importance and benefits of full disclosure, you'll find on this page Hill College's financial information.

Transparency Information

The Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts has developed standards for local governments to provide online financial transparency. A Debt-at-a-Glance page is available that profiles all 50 Texas community college districts. Profile pages list the debt trends, tax rates that affect a district, recent bond elections and proposed bond issuances. Visit the Hill College Debt-at-a-Glance page for transparency data.

Financial Information Contact

Contact information for individual designated to handle inquiries:

Hill College
112 Lamar Dr.
Hillsboro, TX 76676
Phone: 254.659.7502
Email: kmangum@hillcollege.edu