20th Anniversary Boots & Suits


Please join us for our 20th annual Boots & Suits event on April 10th, 2025, from 6 - 8:30 p.m. at The Union House, 1315 FM 4, Cleburne, TX 76031.
Thank you to all our generous supporters and their thoughtful contributions. Hill College strives to be a unique and innovative place of teaching and learning as we serve thousands of students each year with traditional, online, and dual credit courses. We continue to promote student success and grow to be the “college of choice”. 

Purchase tickets here.

Boots & Suits Photo Galleries

For more information

All sponsors will receive recognition online, through social media, and print. For questions, please contact Ashlee Ferguson, Executive Director of Institutional Advancement, at 254.659.7808 or aferguson@hillcollege.edu.